Exclusively on Fiverr
Crowdfunding is not a "post it and forget it proposition." Running a successful campaign requires getting out and spreading the word about your project.
Do you have a Crowdfunding Project on KickStarter, Indiegogo, GoFundMe, DonatePages.com, iBeggar, Begslist or any other funding or donation platform?
- We WILL promote your Crowdfunding Project to over 20,000 Social Media followers who are REAL people that are interested in crowdfunding.
- All our followers have joined our Social Media crowdfunding pages to receive updated information on crowdfunding platforms and campaigns.
- We WILL NOT provide 1,000,000 followers or likes that aren't real!!
- We WILL NOT promote your page to people who aren’t interested.
- We WILL NOT BLAST your campaign to BOTS using "’special" software!!
Your Crowdfunding Project on Kickstarter, Indiegogo, Donate Page or any other crowdfunding website will be posted on the Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ pages of crowdfunding and charity websites.
Visit our page now on Fiverr.com: http://fiverr.com/crowdfundingpro/bring-the-crowd-to-your-crowdfunding-project
Try our services today!!
crowdfunding campaign selects for projects that resonate with the public. As such, crowdfunding isn't well suited for supporting high quality research.